How to get started in The Farriers App

Getting Started

How to get the app

Go to the web version, sign up, verify your email and you are ready to go! If you are on a mobile once you have signed up click on the Apple or Play Store icons and search for The Farriers App.

Do I need to complete all of the set-up?

No but the more you do, the more benefit you will get from our App. Any heading with a red exclamation mark will need attantion.

Do I have to sign-up to your payment providers Stipe & Go Cardless?

No, but we would strongly recommend you do. There is no cost to do this and it will make getting paid really easy.

Can I import my existing contacts?

Yes you can from a CSV file. You will need to be on the web version. Goto Contact and you will see top left an import button. Follow the instructions. There are some required fields if you don't know just enter NA.

Link to 5 videos on how to get started.
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